The SKRCO Nonprofit Newsletter
November 2012 

The value of donated property is in the eye of the marketplace

Nonprofits often struggle with valuing noncash and in-kind donations, including the value of houses or other buildings. Although the amount that a donor can deduct generally is based on the donation's fair market value (FMV), there's no single formula for calculating FMV for every type of gift. This article discusses the basics of FMV, along with three FMV factors the IRS regards as particularly relevant. A sidebar explains when donors need to seek an appraisal.

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Employee vs. independent contractors –Classify your workers per IRS guidelines

The IRS has publicly stated it plans to crack down on organizations that improperly classify workers as independent contractors instead of employees. This article details the steps one must take to be sure that employee classifications stand up to IRS scrutiny. It explains the difference between an employee and an independent contractor, how to determine the status of current workers, and what to do if violations have been committed. 

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Are you covered? – Internal controls fight technology-related fraud

The ability to accept and make online payments and maintain databases with detailed profiles of constituents offers obvious benefits to nonprofits under constant time and money pressures. But it may also be subject to fraud attempts that can dodge traditional internal controls. This article discusses measures that are available to combat these risks. In particular, it shows how to prevent fraud when making or accepting online payments and explains how to protect cardholders' privacy.

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In this issue, "Newsbits" takes a quick look at the costs vs. the benefits for a nonprofit in having social media fans; Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) projects regarding nonprofits' financial statements and financial communications; and a study showing that dual-channel donors (those who give both online and offline) have the highest annual donor value.

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Meet our Nonprofit Specialists

Steve Hochstetter, CPA, CVA, Audit Partner


Jeff Talus, CPA, Tax Partner

Doreen Merz, CPA, 
Tax Manager

For more information about any of the articles here or our nonprofit services, please contact us at (719) 630-1186 or through our Secure Email:


Quantifying the cost and benefits of social media fans

Having people "like" you on popular social media sites may cost more than you think and is worth tracking. The fourth annual Nonprofit Social Network Benchmark Report found that the average cost of a "like" on Facebook was $3.50, while the average cost of a Twitter "follower" was $2.05. The report surveyed more than 3,500 nonprofit professionals about their organization's use of social media to build their supporter base.

Don't let the costs scare you off, though. The survey also found that the average yearlong value of a supporter acquired via Facebook — that is, the amount of revenue received from a supporter over the 12 months following acquisition — was almost $215. It's no surprise, then, that 81% of the respondents deemed their social network communities as somewhat or very valuable. 

Accounting body explores nonprofit financial reporting

The Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) is conducting two projects directly related to nonprofits. The "Not-for-Profit Financial Reporting: Financial Statements" project is re-examining existing accounting standards for organizations' financial statements, with a focus on improving 1) net asset classification requirements, and 2) the information provided in financial statements and notes about liquidity, financial performance and cash flows. FASB will likely propose a revised standard and request feedback in the future.

FASB also is conducting a research project called "Not-for-Profit Financial Reporting: Other Financial Communications." That project is looking at other types of communications nonprofits use to tell their financial stories. FASB's staff, for example, is reviewing existing best practices followed by organizations to determine how such communications may enhance the understanding of donors, creditors and other stakeholders of the organizations' financial health and performance. 

Does dual-channel fundraising pay?

A study of donors to the national humanitarian organization CARE suggests that engaging donors through both online and offline approaches can pay off for nonprofits. According to the study, dual-channel donors (those who give both online and offline) have the highest annual donor value, returning about 46% more value than donors giving only through direct mail.

The study also found that dual-channel donors gave almost as much through offline channels as offline-only donors ($74 vs. $85). This led the researchers to conclude that adding digital channels of donation doesn't materially cannibalize revenue from direct mail. Moreover, traditional offline direct response donors who were engaged through online communications demonstrated higher retention rates than offline donors not engaged online. 

Are you covered?
Internal controls fight technology-related fraud

The ability to accept and make online payments and maintain databases with detailed profiles of constituents offers obvious benefits to nonprofits under constant time and money pressures. But it may also be subject to fraud attempts that can dodge your traditional internal controls. Fortunately, measures are available to combat these risks.

Making online disbursements

Many nonprofits are now paying their bills online, rather than mailing payments. Of course, the ability to make online payments essentially makes the employee who does so a check signer who can, in turn, make unauthorized payments. Similarly, the employee who oversees direct deposit payroll transactions may choose to pay “ghost” employees, give unauthorized raises or otherwise divert funds.

If your not-for-profit makes these types of online disbursements, ensure that all payments are subject to an independent review by a different employee. The reviewer can check payments online or examine the bank statements for discrepancies. The reviewer should also study payroll reports that come straight from the payroll system (vs. coming from the employee who oversees payroll). Of course, the reviewer should be aware that those two employees might be working together to commit fraud. Your bank also might offer verification services to confirm that payments are authorized before they clear.

Accepting payments

One of the most significant changes in how nonprofits conduct business in recent years has been the widespread adoption of systems that allow online payments for event registrations, membership fees, product purchases and donations. These payments generally are deposited directly into an organization’s bank account.

The risk is that the employee responsible for the online payment system could redirect the ultimate destination of payments. If the accounting department records income based on bank deposits, this fraud could go undetected. To close this control gap, make sure you take the added step of reconciling the bank deposits against online income from the donor system.

Protecting privacy

Many nonprofits possess their members’ and donors’ credit card information and other personal data, making them potential targets for both internal and external hackers and fraudsters. Imagine the consequences if criminals were to access your constituents’ data. It could be disastrous in terms of remedial costs, legal liability and reputational damage.

Perhaps the most effective privacy control is adherence to the Payment Card Industry (PCI) Data Security Standard (DSS). DSS applies to all entities that store, process or transmit credit cardholder data and outlines technical and operational system requirements to protect that data. Although DSS isn’t technically a law, several states have enacted legislation mandating compliance with some of its provisions.

The DSS requirements vary depending on the number and type of credit card transactions an organization conducts, both online and offline. It’s a good idea, though, to take steps to comply with the strictest requirements, including:

Although it isn’t a requirement, PCI also strongly recommends “segmenting” (or isolating) the cardholder data environment from the rest of your network. (To learn more, visit

Proceed with caution

There’s no turning back from the technological advances nonprofits are currently enjoying. The key is to remain vigilant against the evolving risk of fraud.