SKR+Co. Alert

Recent Deceptive Mailings to Small Businesses

April 5, 2011Deceptive Letter

We want our clients and friends to beware of a recent attempt to collect both money and information.

Small businesses across Colorado have received an official-looking letter (with a seal, citing the Colorado Revised Statues, and using attention-grabbing language) telling small business owners they're at risk of becoming "noncompliant" or "delinquent" and offering to file the business' Periodic Business Report with the Colorado Secretary of State for a fee of $225.

Though the majority of entities doing business in Colorado are required to file periodic reports with the Secretary of State’s office, the filing can be completed directly with the Secretary of State’s office, online, and in most cases the fee is merely $10.

Colorado Secretary of State Scott Gessler alerted Colorado businesses and non-profits to this letter issued by Nevada-based Corporate Controllers Unit, Inc. We want to pass on this important information to you.

For the full text of Secretary of State Gessler's Alert, Click here.

To protect your business' identity, the Secretary of State recommends that you subscribe to their email notification service.  


SKR+Co. Alert

Health Care Tax Credit FAQs

The small business health care tax credit is designed to encourage small employers to offer health insurance coverage for the first time or maintain coverage they already have. In 2010, the credit is generally available to small employers that contribute an amount equivalent to at least half the cost of single coverage towards buying health insurance for their employees. The credit is specifically targeted to help small businesses and tax-exempt organizations that primarily employ moderate- and lower-income workers.

To see if you qualify for this credit and to learn more, Click Here

New Items on Form 1040

Despite calls for simplifying the tax laws, they have actually been made much more complicated in the last few years. This filing season is no different. The 2010 Form 1040 reflects a number of new tax breaks. Some are straightforward. Others are complex. Some present choices. But they all provide an opportunity to save money. We want you to be aware of the new tax breaks for this filing season so that you can take full advantage of them.

Click here for a listing of the key changes for this filing season.

Colorado Sales and Use Tax on Internet Purchases

Colorado has increased its efforts to collect sales/use tax on online purchases. While Colorado residents have always been required to pay use tax on their internet purchases, there was no mechanism in place to force compliance. Now there is. However, a recent injunction has put enactment on hold indefinitely.

Click here to learn more.

They have an App for That!

The IRS launched the IRS2Go App for the iPhone and the Android. Taxpayers can check refunds and get tax information literally at their fingertips!

For more information, Click here.

SKR+Co. Alert

 By Mike Rowe, Audit Partner

January 25, 2011

Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) have become increasingly complex over the past decade. Many of the new accounting standards are issued primarily to address the needs of the users of public company financial statements. Private companies have been saying for years that their financial reporting needs are different from those of large public companies, as the users of their financial statements are different. As a result, consideration is being given to creating separate accounting rules for private companies.

The following are arguments both for and against private company GAAP.


Those in favor of creating a private company GAAP raise the following issues about the existing rules:

• Excessive Complexity
• Non-compliance
• Lack of Relevance


Opponents of a private company GAAP raise the following issues with private company GAAP:

• Costs to Create and Implement
• Lack of Consistency and Comparability

To read more about it, please click here.  

To read Mike's bio, please click here.