ShoeBox of ReciptsIf you paid for work-related expenses out of your own pocket, you may be able to deduct those costs. In most cases, you claim allowable expenses on Schedule A, Itemized Deductions. Here are six tax tips that you should know about this deduction.
1. Ordinary and Necessary. You can only deduct unreimbursed expenses that are ordinary and necessary to your work as an employee. An ordinary expense is one that is common and accepted in your industry. A necessary expense is one that is appropriate and helpful to your business.
2. Expense Examples. Some costs that you may be able to deduct include:    
• Required work clothes or uniforms that are not appropriate for everyday use.
• Supplies and tools you use on the job.
• Business use of your car.
• Business meals and entertainment. 
• Business travel away from home. 
• Business use of your home.
• Work-related education.
This list is not all-inclusive. Special rules apply if your employer reimbursed you for your expenses. To learn more, check out Publication 529, Miscellaneous Deductions. You should also refer to Publication 463, Travel, Entertainment, Gift, and Car Expenses.
3. Forms to Use.  In most cases you report your expenses on Form 2106 or Form 2106-EZ. After you figure your allowable expenses, you then list the total on Schedule A as a miscellaneous deduction. You can deduct the amount that is more than two percent of your adjusted gross income.
4. Educator Expenses.  If you are a K through 12 teacher or educator, you may be able to deduct up to $250 of certain expenses you paid for in 2014. These may include books, supplies, equipment, and other materials used in the classroom. You claim this deduction as an adjustment on your tax return, rather than as an itemized deduction. This deduction had expired at the end of 2013. A recent tax law extended it for one year, through Dec. 31, 2014. For more on this topic see Publication 529.
5. Keep Records.  You must keep records to prove the expenses you deduct. For what records to keep, see Publication 17, Your Federal Income Tax.
Content for this post provided by IRS Tax Tip 2015-45, posted March 24, 2015
capital-gains-taxOne tax topic we discuss with clients each year is the treatment of their capital gains and losses. Much of what you own is a capital asset including a home, personal use items like household furnishings, and stocks or bonds held as investments. Most people buy and sell assets without ever considering the tax consequences at the time. 

To help you better understand capital gains and losses, here are 10 facts everyone should know:

  1. Almost everything you own and use for personal or investment purposes is a capital asset.
  2. Capital gain or loss is the difference between your basis and the amount you receive when you sell that asset. Basis is typically what you paid to purchase the asset.
  3. You can deduct losses on the sale of investment property but not on the sale of personal-use property.
  4. Capital gains and losses are either short-term (owned less than 1 year) or long-term.
  5. You must include all capital gains in your taxable income.
  6. If your long-term gains are more than your long-term losses, the difference between the two is a net long-term capital gain. If your net long-term capital gain is more than your net short-term capital loss, you have a net capital gain.
  7. If you have a net capital loss, you are limited to deducting $3,000 per year if you file as married filing jointly and $1,500 if you file separately or are single.
  8. You may carry excess losses over to the next year.
  9. Capital gains and losses for nonbusiness assets are reported on Form 8949 and summarized on Schedule D.
  10. Tax rates on capital gains are typically lower than ordinary income tax rates.
This is a short summary of the topic. If you are interested in more information about capital gains and losses, see IRS Publication 550 and the Schedule D instructions or contact your accountant. 

Lemonade StandFor taxpayers there is an important distinction between what the IRS considers a hobby and what is considered a business. Internal Revenue Code Section 162 allows the deduction of ordinary and necessary business expenses if they result from a trade or business. On the other end of the spectrum, Code Section 183 limits the deductions for taxpayers related to activities not engaged in for profit. The expenses may only be deducted to the extent of gross income from the Section 183 activity.

Determination of Business or Hobby

Generally a business is entered into for profit. In order to be characterized as a business, there must be intent to make a profit. A hobby may be entered into for recreation, not to make a profit. The IRS has provided nine factors to help determine if a business is operated for a profit:

In addition to the nine factors listed above, the IRS presumes that an activity is carried on for profit if it makes a profit during at least three of the last five years, including the current year. (An exception would be for activities that consist primarily of breeding, showing, training or racing horses, the IRS looks for a profit in at least two of the last seven years.)

The taxpayer has the burden of proof related to proving the required profit motive. A court will weigh all the facts and circumstances, with greater weight given to objective facts than to the taxpayer’s mere statement of intent.

Limits on Deductions for a Hobby

Deductions from hobby activities are limited to the gross income from that activity. If an overall loss occurs for a hobby activity during a tax year, this loss cannot be used to offset other types of income.

The deductions for hobby activities must be claimed as itemized deductions on Schedule A of Form 1040. Therefore, a taxpayer must itemize deductions to deduct any expenses related to the hobby activities. They must be taken in the following order and only to the extent stated:

1.  Deductions that a taxpayer may take for personal as well as business activities, such as home mortgage interest and taxes. These may be taken in full. They should be listed on the correct lines on Schedule A.

2.  Deductions that do not result in an adjustment to basis, such as advertising, insurance and wages. These may be deducted to the extent gross income for the activity is more than the deductions from the first category.

3.  Deductions that reduce the basis of property, such a depreciation and amortization. These are taken last and only to the extent that gross income for the activity is more than the deductions taken in the first two categories.

Deductions in the second and third category must be claimed as miscellaneous deductions on Schedule A. That makes them subject to the 2% of adjusted gross income (“AGI”) limit. What this means is that in addition to the limits already discussed, the deductions must also be greater than 2% of a taxpayer’s AGI before any deduction can be claimed.

The limit on not-for-profit losses applies to individuals, partnerships, estates, trusts, and S corporations. It does not apply to corporations other than S corporations.


Hobbies do not receive favorable tax treatment by the IRS, so it is important to determine if an activity will be deemed a business or a hobby for income tax purposes. To be a business, the activity must be carried on with the intent of making a profit. An activity that is not a business will have limits on the amount of deductions it can take, and any losses from the activity cannot be used to offset other types of income. 

Stay on top of filing and reporting deadlines with our tax calendar! Our tax calendar includes dates categorized by employers, individuals, partnerships, corporations and more to keep you on track. 
2015 Tax Calendar_2nd Quarter

Dad and adult daughterA trust is a versatile estate planning tool. It’s a vehicle for transferring wealth to the next generation in a tax-efficient manner. It can also provide incentives for your beneficiaries, serve as a financial “safety net” for your family, protect assets from creditors, achieve your philanthropic goals and leave a lasting legacy.

But no matter how well it’s designed and drafted, a trust won’t reach its full potential unless all of the stakeholders — grantor, trustee and beneficiaries — understand the trust’s goals and their roles in achieving them.


No one understands the goals of a trust better than you, the grantor. But it’s critical that you communicate your goals to your advisors and understand how the trust will achieve them.

You should also educate yourself about the trustee’s duties and responsibilities to ensure that you select the right person for the job. You want to be sure, for example, that your trustee possesses the requisite financial, business, organizational and interpersonal skills.

It’s also important to consider potential conflicts between the trustee and the beneficiaries, particularly if the trustee is a family member. To avoid conflicts and ensure the trustee is qualified, it may be desirable to engage a professional trustee, such as a bank, trust company, attorney or financial advisor.


Once you’ve identified potential trustees, you should educate them about what’s involved so they can make an informed decision about whether to accept the job. Some people, for example, may feel that they’re not qualified to manage investments or that they’re too close to the family to make objective decisions regarding distributions and other matters.

It’s also critical to educate the trustee about what you hope to accomplish with the trust. Although it’s possible to include very specific instructions in the trust document, often trusts are more effective if the trustee has broad discretion in managing and distributing trust assets. Educating the trustee helps ensure that he or she will exercise this discretion with your goals and principles in mind.


Don’t underestimate the importance of educating a trust’s beneficiaries. So long as they’re old enough, they shouldn’t be simply passive recipients of your wealth. Make sure they understand your goals and how the trust will provide financial security for them and their dependents down the road.

This is particularly critical if the trust is required to provide beneficiaries with withdrawal rights in order to qualify contributions for the $14,000 annual gift tax exclusion. Although you can’t ask your beneficiaries to agree not to exercise their withdrawal rights, you should educate them about the long-term benefits of keeping assets in the trust.

Providing beneficiaries with financial training and educating them about their rights will enable them to monitor trust performance (particularly after you’re gone) and, if necessary, replace the trustee. It’s also a good idea to set up periodic meetings between the trustee and beneficiaries to keep the lines of communication open.

Read the owner’s manual

A trust is a powerful estate planning tool. But like any other tool, it won’t produce the best results unless all stakeholders learn how to use it properly.  

Multi Generation Family Sitting On Garden SeatIt’s no secret that the cost of a college education continues to soar. Taxpayers with grandchildren often want to help for the education costs of their grandchildren, but it’s important to structure the payments correctly so that they don’t have negative gift and estate tax consequences. This article contains three strategies to help a grandparent pay for the education of a grandchild. 

1. Make direct tuition payments.

A simple but effective technique is to make tuition payments on behalf of your grandchild. So long as you make the payments directly to the college, they avoid gift and generation-skipping transfer (GST) tax without using up any of your gift or GST tax exclusions or exemptions.

But this technique is available only for tuition, not for other expenses, such as room and board, fees, books and equipment. So it may be desirable to combine it with other techniques.

A disadvantage of direct payments is that, if you wait until the student has tuition bills to pay, there’s a risk that you’ll die before the funds are removed from your estate. Other techniques allow you to set aside funds for future college expenses, shielding those funds from estate taxes.

If your grandchild is planning to apply for financial aid, also be aware that most schools treat direct tuition payments as a “resource” that reduces financial aid awards on a dollar-for-dollar basis.

2. Create grantor and Crummey trusts.

These trusts offer several important benefits. For example, they can be established for one grandchild or for multiple beneficiaries, and assets contributed to the trust, together with future appreciation, are removed from your taxable estate. In addition, the funds can be used for college expenses or for other purposes.

On the downside, for financial aid purposes a trust is considered the child’s asset, potentially reducing or eliminating the amount of aid available to him or her. So keep this in mind if your grandchild is hoping to qualify for financial aid.

Another potential downside is that trust contributions are considered taxable gifts. But you can reduce or eliminate gift taxes by using your annual exclusion ($14,000 per recipient; $28,000 per recipient for gifts by married couples) or your lifetime exemption ($5.43 million in 2015) to fund the trust. To qualify for the annual exclusion, the beneficiary must receive a present interest. Gifts in trust are generally considered future interests, but you can convert these gifts to present interests by structuring the trust as a Crummey trust.

With a Crummey trust, each time you contribute assets, you must give the beneficiaries a brief window (typically 30 to 60 days) during which they may withdraw the contribution. Curiously, the law doesn’t require that you notify beneficiaries of their withdrawal rights. Notification, however, is typically recommended.

If a Crummey trust is established for a single beneficiary, annual exclusion gifts to the trust are also GST-tax-free. 

3. Consider a Section 2503(c) minor’s trust.  

Contributions to a Sec. 2503(c) minor’s trust qualify as annual exclusion gifts, even though they’re gifts of future interests, provided the trust meets these requirements:

When the beneficiary turns 21, it’s possible to extend the trust by giving the minor the opportunity to withdraw the funds for a limited time (30 days, for example). After that, contributions to the trust no longer qualify for the annual exclusion, unless you’ve designed it to convert to a Crummey trust. Then, so long as you comply with the applicable rules, gifts to the trust will qualify for the annual exclusion.


While this is not an all-inclusive list, these ideas could be beneficial for some taxpayers and their beneficiaries. These ideas offer suggestions for paying the high costs of education while helping to limit a taxpayer’s estate and gift tax exposure. 

Reports_paperworkNo matter how much time you invest in designing an estate plan that reflects your wishes, your efforts will be for naught if your family can’t find your documents. Here are several tips for ensuring that critical documents are readily accessible when needed:

Wills and trusts

Ask your accountant, attorney or other trusted advisor to keep your original will, living trust and other trust documents; and provide your family with his or her contact information. Be aware that it’s not advisable to place your will or living trust in a safe deposit box, however, as state law and bank policy will likely require that you present the original document or a court order to obtain access.

Financial documents 

Make it easy for your family or other representatives to find life insurance policies; tax documents; deeds to real property; bank, brokerage, retirement account and credit card statements; stock certificates; and other important documents. Also provide contact information for key advisors, such as real estate attorneys, accountants, brokers and financial advisors.

There are many options for providing your loved ones with access to this information, including:

Health care documents 

Consider providing “duplicate originals” or copies of powers of attorney, living wills or health care directives to the people authorized to make decisions on your behalf. You might also ask your physicians to keep duplicate originals or copies with your medical records.

TeenagersPreparing for retirement may be on your mind – and it should be. But have you thought about helping prepare your kids or grandkids for their retirement? Setting up a Roth individual retirement account for your teen can be a smart and rewarding move to consider at tax time, and you don’t have to be wealthy to do it.

High-school students with earnings from a summer job or babysitting probably aren't thinking of putting money away for decades. But you might plant the retirement-planning idea by funding a small Roth IRA for the teen—or by offering to match or put aside $2 or $3 for every $1 of taxable income the teen contributes.

There's no deduction for funding a Roth, but it differs from a traditional IRA in that you contribute with after-tax money but pay no taxes on withdrawals, meaning all growth is tax-free. A teenager working part-time will have one of the lowest tax rates, making it a good trade-off to pay taxes on contributions now rather than at retirement when the total and the tax rate will be much higher. And for your teen, that means decades of earning interest on interest which can result in a nice nest egg when they are ready to retire.

There are some requirements to establish and contribute to an IRA for your teen:

If you are self-employed, you can employ your children, pay them a salary and open a Roth on their behalf. Just make sure they do real work for a reasonable wage and you file W-2 forms reporting their earnings to the Social Security Administration.

Even with all of the benefits, it may be challenging to convince your teen to save now for retirement that is decades away. It may help to share what you have done towards your own retirement – good planning or poor. It also helps to paint a picture by providing some examples of what putting a certain amount away now and contributing to it over the years may mean in terms of real dollars for their future.

If you have questions about how best to help your teen (or you yourself) prepare for retirement, please contact us.

IRAThe Roth IRA is widely considered one of the greatest gifts the U.S. Congress has ever given to taxpayers. With a Roth IRA, contributions are made with after-tax dollars and, therefore, we do not receive an upfront tax deduction for the contribution. In return for not getting a tax deduction, the taxpayer gets something more significant – qualified distributions can be withdrawn tax free. Qualified distributions are distributions that occur after a five-year waiting period has elapsed and a triggering event has occurred. The triggering events are either the attainment of age 59½, death, disability, or a first time home purchase. Not only are your initial contributed amounts withdrawn tax free but all of the future appreciation in the Roth IRA account value escapes taxation as well.      
One problem that has frustrated many taxpayers is the relatively low income limits which prohibit many of us from being able to contribute to a Roth IRA. For 2015, a married couple filing a joint return will be unable to contribute to a Roth IRA if their modified adjusted gross income (MAGI) exceeds $193K. For a single person, the ability to contribute to a Roth IRA account disappears when MAGI exceeds $131K. 
We have been advising our clients for some time now about the strategy of contributing to a Roth IRA even when your income exceeds the above income limits. Many practitioners call this strategy a Backdoor Roth IRA Conversion. Let me explain how this works. 
First, you will need to contribute funds to a traditional IRA with your IRA custodian. In order to do this, you will need to have earned income and you must not have reached 70½ years of age. You do not need to inform your custodian whether this is a deductible or nondeductible contribution – just that it is a contribution to your IRA. 
For example, let’s assume you have the necessary earned income and you have not reached 70½ years of age. You contribute a maximum of $5,500 to your IRA account ($6,500 if you reached 50 years of age during the year). Once the IRA contribution posts to your account, you inform your custodian that you wish to convert these funds to a Roth IRA. Some practitioners suggest that you can do this conversion the very next day whereas others suggest you wait a short period of time. I recommend you wait until at least the next month (e.g., you fund the IRA on April 15 and call your custodian with the conversion order on May 1). 
There is one big caveat. This strategy only works well for taxpayers who do not already have money in traditional IRA accounts because the IRS pro-rata rule will apply. The pro-rata rule dictates that all owned IRAs, including SEP and SIMPLE IRAs, are included in the required pro-rata calculation. For example, let’s assume you already had a traditional IRA with a value of $95K (from deductible prior year contributions plus appreciation). If you attempted this strategy with a $5,000 current year contribution, the pro-rata rule would result in a fraction of $5,000/$100,000 so that only 5% ($250) would be a tax-free conversion. The other $4,750 would be taxable income from the conversion that would be reported on your income tax return. Obviously, this is not a great result for all this work. 
A better result plays out for the taxpayer who has no other IRA accounts. In this case, the entire $5,000 nondeductible contribution could be converted to a Roth IRA free of income tax. The only income that would be taxable for this taxpayer would be any appreciation on the $5,000 investment from the date of contribution to the date of conversion.
As you can see from the above examples, determining the best strategy depends on a number of factors. We would be happy to assist you in exploring this strategy if you wish to contribute money into a Roth IRA and your income exceeds the Roth IRA contribution limits.                   
Businessmen working on computersThere is a little known provision in the Internal Revenue Code that can provide a huge income tax advantage for certain taxpayers in the right circumstances. Although conventional wisdom tells us to roll over our retirement account assets to a rollover IRA account when we leave an employer or retire, the availability of the Net Unrealized Appreciation (NUA) tax strategy requires very careful consideration before we roll over these assets. 
If you own highly appreciated employer stock in your company’s 401(k) or other retirement plan, you may be quite a bit better off withdrawing the employer stock personally and rolling over only the other plan assets into a rollover IRA. If you follow the letter of the law, you will pay no current income tax on the employer stock’s prior appreciation or on the other assets rolled over to the rollover IRA. The only income tax you pay in the year of distribution would be on the cost basis of the employer stock held inside the retirement account. 
The greater the amount of appreciation in the employer stock held in your retirement account, the more advantageous this tax break becomes. The mechanics of this strategy are somewhat complicated but an example should help clarify how this works. Let’s assume you are nearing retirement and have a 401(k) with your employer valued at $1 million. Let’s further assume that the largest asset in your 401(k) is employer stock valued at $750K with a cost basis of $100K. Therefore, the employer stock has appreciated $650K (this is the NUA).
You direct your employer to distribute the $750K in employer stock, in kind, directly to you and you roll the other $250K in plan assets to a rollover IRA. You sell the employer stock the next day for $750K and you pay long-term capital gain on the $650K in appreciation you built up over the years. Under our current capital gain tax rate structure, this $650K would be taxed at 20%. Importantly, the IRS has made clear that the sale of NUA stock is exempt from the 3.8% net investment income tax that is generally added when we recognize a large capital gain event. As noted previously, you will also pay ordinary income tax on the $100K of cost basis in the employer stock that was distributed to you.                                            
If instead, you rolled the entire $1 million in plan assets into a rollover IRA, the NUA tax break is forever lost. An IRA rollover permanently kills any possibility of getting NUA tax treatment for the employer stock and is irrevocable. Once rolled over, any future distributions out of your rollover IRA will be taxed at your prevailing ordinary income tax rate which could be as high as 39.6%, depending on your particular situation.
To qualify for the NUA tax break, you must take a distribution of 100% of the retirement account during the year (the retirement account balance must be zero by the end of that tax year). The 100% distribution must also occur after any one of these four triggering events:
1) Death
2) Reaching age 59½ 
3) Separation from service
4) Disability
The favorable NUA tax treatment also applies when employer stock is distributed to the employee’s beneficiaries after the participant’s death. 
For most retiring employees, rolling over a lump sum distribution received from their employer plan is generally the best tax deferral and financial planning strategy. The opportunity for continued tax-deferred growth of retirement assets inside an IRA is extremely valuable for most retirees. That said, the possibility of NUA tax treatment for certain retirees holding highly appreciated employer stock should force us all to slow down and analyze our particular situation before we make an irreversible rollover decision.
If you are holding highly appreciated employer stock in your employer-sponsored retirement account, we would love the opportunity to discuss the NUA strategy with you.