Private foundation managers concerned about mission related investments that accept a lower rate of return in exchange for mission related goals can now rest assured these investments will not be considered a "jeopardizing investment" under section 4944 of the Internal Revenue Code.
On September 15, 2015, Notice 2015-62, 2015-39 IRB was issued to provide guidance on how that section is applied. The notice seeks to affirm investing by private foundations in a manner that allows consideration by foundation managers of both the investment return and the foundation's charitable purpose.
The notice states that, "When exercising ordinary business care and prudence in deciding whether to make an investment, foundation managers may consider all relevant facts and circumstances, including the relationship between a particular investment and the foundation's charitable purposes. Foundation managers are not required to select only investments that offer the highest rates of return, the lowest risks, or the greatest liquidity so long as the foundation managers exercise the requisite ordinary business care and prudence under the facts and circumstances prevailing at the time of the investment in making investment decisions that support, and do not jeopardize, the furtherance of the private foundation's charitable purposes."
Please see the Notice here for complete information. 

You may already contribute to an organization here in Colorado that helps children. But did you know that your donation may qualify for a sizable Kids with Crayonstax credit? The Colorado Child Care Contribution Tax Credit is available for Colorado donors who make a contribution to a qualifying child care organization or fund. Such a donation can generate a Colorado tax credit of up to 50% of your total donation. However, please note that in-kind donations (non-cash gifts like school supplies, snacks, etc.) don’t qualify.

What donations qualify?

To qualify for this tax credit, your donation(s) must be made to an organization that promotes the establishment or operation of a licensed child care facility or program. For example:

*Registered child care programs that provide services similar to licensed programs may also qualify.

How your child care donation reduces your taxes

Here’s how your child care donation gives back to you, the taxpayer. Let’s say you are in the 25% Federal income tax bracket, itemize your deductions, and make a $5,000 donation to a not-for-profit licensed agency that provides child care to children under 12. When you file your federal taxes, you’ll receive a $5,000 charitable deduction, which will reduce your federal liability by $570 and your Colorado liability by $230. You will then receive a $2,500 credit against your remaining Colorado liability when you file your state taxes. The credit will either reduce your payment or increase your refund. So, although you may have written your donation check for $5,000, your contribution actually cost you only $1,700. (See the chart below.)

Check written to Child Care agency $5,000
Reduction of Federal Taxes -$570
Reduction of Colorado Taxes -$230
Credit against Colorado Taxes -$2,500
Net cost of Donation $1,700

Things to remember

As you can see, when you give a financial gift to a child care organization, you not only help improve the lives of local families, but also help yourself save by utilizing an effective tax strategy. If you have any questions about the Colorado Child Care Contribution Tax Credit, please do not hesitate to contact us.

The notice sends shivers down your spine — the IRS has called or written to inform you that your organization has been selected for an audit. Now what? Understanding the nuts and bolts of IRS reviews can help reduce your risk of running into trouble.

Types of IRS reviews

The IRS conducts three types of reviews of not-for-profit's:

1. Field audit. If your initial contact letter schedules an agent to visit your premises, the IRS is conducting a field, or in-person, examination. Field audits are done at an organization’s location, the organization’s representative’s office or an area IRS office. It usually takes place where the not-for-profit’s books and records are located.

Field audits fall into two categories. A general program exam usually is conducted by a single IRS agent. A team examination program audit focuses on large, complex organizations and may involve a team of examiners.

2. Office /correspondence audit. If the initial letter asks you to deliver documents to an IRS office by mail, you are undergoing a correspondence audit. An agent generally conducts the audit using letters and phone calls to work with the organization’s officers or a representative.

But a correspondence audit can expand to become a field audit if the issues grow more complex or the not-for-profit doesn’t respond. Both correspondence and field audits can expand to include prior and subsequent tax years.

3. Nonaudit. The contact letter might indicate that the IRS is conducting a compliance check, which isn’t an audit but may include a checklist with specific questions. Or the compliance check may ask about information and forms that your not-for-profit is requred to file or maintain, such as Forms 990, W-2 or W-4.

Compliance checks are an accountability tool, like audits, but are simpler and less burdensome and don’t directly determine a tax liability for any particular period. They can, however, lead to an audit.

Selection of organizations

Not-For-Profit's are chosen for reviews based on several methods, including:

Form 990 plays a strong role in the selection process. In its FY 2012 Annual Report & FY 2013 Workplan, the IRS delivered this “bottom-line message” to not-for-profit's: “The IRS uses the Form 990 responses to select returns for examination, so a complete and accurate return is in your best interest.”

General process

An audit begins with the initial contact and continues until audit findings are discussed in a closing conference (in person or by phone) and a closing letter is issued. Both the conference and the letter will explain your appeal rights.

A compliance check also starts with the initial contact letter, and the IRS may contact your organization again if it needs more information or you don’t respond. The agency typically issues a closing letter at the end of a compliance check.

During a field audit, the agent will tour your office and interview an officer or representative. For a correspondence audit or compliance check, IRS personnel will review requested items submitted via mail and follow up as needed. They may request additional information.

Don’t go it alone

This can be serious business – worst-case audit findings include adjustments to tax liability or tax-exempt status. If you get a call or letter from the IRS, contact your CPA immediately.

Here are some ways Stockman Kast Ryan + CO can help:

Feel free to contact us with questions, clarifications, or assistance with any IRS dealings.

Your status with the IRS as a tax-exempt “public charity” gives you significant benefits — paying no federal, state or local income taxes is the most obvious advantage. And the good news doesn’t stop there.

The designation also enables you to receive donations, may qualify you for special grants and government funding, and can entitle you to special rates for services, such as mail delivery. In short, the status better enables your organization to apply its financial resources toward its mission and goals than if it were a for-profit entity.

But keeping your 501(c)(3) status isn’t automatic. Here are some important dos and don’ts to follow if you want to retain the privilege:

The "Dos"

Do comply with reporting obligations. Your nonprofit is required to file some type of IRS Form 990 — Form 990, Form 990-EZ or Form 990-N, depending on the amount of your total annual receipts and total assets — each year. If you fail to do so for three years in a row, your tax-exempt status will be revoked.

If you’re required to file the full Form 990 or Form 990-EZ, be sure to annually complete Schedule A, Part I (“Reason for Public Charity Status”) to identify why you aren’t a private foundation. Check the box that coincides with the reason that you’re a public charity for the current tax year.

You also must file all required payroll tax returns for your employees and 1099 forms for independent contractors, and answer related questions about these workers on your Form 990.

Do maintain the required level of public support. As detailed on Schedule A to the 990, if your nonprofit is primarily supported by a government unit or the general public or is a community trust (Box 5, 7 or 8 on Schedule A, Part I), you’ll also need to pass the public support test on Part II of Schedule A. If your organization is exempt because it receives more than one-third of its support from contributions and activities related to its exempt function, as outlined in IRC Section 509(a)(2), you’ll need to pass the public support test on Part III of Schedule A each year.

Do pay employment taxes and properly withhold from employees’ paychecks. Even though your organization doesn’t pay income taxes, you must still pay applicable employment taxes, such as the employer portion of each employee’s Social Security and Medicare taxes. And you must withhold from your employees’ paychecks the employee portion of employment taxes, as well as federal, state and local income taxes where applicable — and remit the withheld amounts to the appropriate governmental agency.

Do use a formal process to approve compensation. The salaries and benefits you pay your executive director and “key employees” are available to the public on your Form 990 and have been identified as a primary focus of exempt organizations’ audits by the IRS. Even more important than the compensation total is the process you use to determine that the compensation is reasonable and comparable to amounts paid by organizations of similar size and activity. The IRS sees this review and approval as a responsibility of your board of directors or one of its committees.

The "Don'ts"

Don’t operate for the benefit of private interests. No part of a 501(c)(3) organization’s earnings or equity can benefit individuals, such as the organization’s founders, executives or board members — or their family members. Your nonprofit was granted its tax-exempt status to benefit the public, not private parties or interests.

Don’t generate excessive unrelated business income (UBI). UBI is income from a trade or business activity that is regularly carried on and is unrelated to your exempt mission. Although the Internal Revenue Code is silent as to how much is too much, excessive UBI has been interpreted as spending a “significant” amount of time on the unrelated activity.

For example, if an organization has more expenditures for the unrelated activity than program expenses, the IRS likely will consider terminating its exempt status. But courts have considered an organization spending even as little as 10% of its total efforts on a UBI activity to be too much.

Don’t pay more than market rates for goods and services. Ensure you’re using your organization’s resources wisely by getting at least three quotes before purchasing a significant asset or establishing a service contract or a standing order for supplies. If you ever decide to do business with related parties (board members, founders, executives or their businesses), the other quotes will support the “going rate” in your market and show you aren’t providing an excess benefit to the related party.

Should the IRS determine that you’ve provided excess benefits, your organization and its leaders will be subject to penalties as well as the possibility of losing the nonprofit’s exempt status.

Don’t engage in substantial lobbying or any political campaign activities. Two methods can determine whether lobbying activities are “substantial.” One considers the time spent by compensated employees and volunteers on lobbying activities. The other is the expenditure tests.

Your nonprofit can elect to use the latter option — called a 501(h) election — by filing Form 5768. (Churches are ineligible.) The 501(h) election sets a defined limit on the amount of resources an organization can use to influence legislation before losing its exempt status, based on a percentage of its total expenses.

Political campaign activities include making contributions to a political campaign fund or making public statements for or against a candidate (either written or verbal). Participating in any of these activities can result in the IRS either revoking your exempt status or imposing certain excise taxes on your organization.

When your nonprofit sets the salary for an executive director or other individual key to the organization, the board of directors wants to make sure it’s paying what’s necessary to attract or retain the most qualified, capable individual for the position. But that’s not the only consideration that should be on the radar screen.

“Excess benefits” and “disqualified persons”

Internal Revenue Code Section 4958 prohibits 501(c)(3) and 501(c)(4) organizations from engaging in an “excess benefit transaction” with a “disqualified person.” Disqualified persons generally include anyone in a position to exercise substantial influence over the organization’s affairs at any time in the five-year period before the transaction, including officers and directors.
An excess benefit transaction takes place when a disqualified person receives a benefit that exceeds the value the organization receives in exchange — for example, when an executive director is paid a salary that far exceeds the salary of executive directors at similar organizations. Violations of Sec. 4958 can lead the IRS to impose excise taxes (intermediate sanctions) on the disqualified person who benefited from the transaction as well as the not-for-profit’s leaders (for example, board members) who approved it.

When is compensation “reasonable”?

Federal tax regulations provide a “rebuttable presumption of reasonableness” for compensation arrangements that satisfy three requirements. If you have met the following requirements, it will be up to the IRS to prove otherwise.
First, an authorized body of the nonprofit — typically the board of directors or a subcommittee composed of board members — must approve the salary and benefits before the compensation package is offered to the candidate or employee. It’s critical that none of the participants have a conflict of interest regarding the arrangement. For example, if the individual is already a staff member, neither the individual nor a subordinate of the individual can participate in the compensation decision.
Second, the authorized body must rely on appropriate comparability data before it determines compensation. It can rely on data derived from industry surveys, documented compensation of individuals in similar positions in similar organizations, expert compensation studies or other data about reasonable compensation for the position. If your organization’s gross annual receipts are less than $1 million, you will need compensation data for three similar positions in similar communities. The regulations don’t specify the requisite number of comparables for larger organizations.
Remember that similar job titles don’t necessarily mean similar jobs. When evaluating comparability data, the positions must have comparable duties, not just titles.
Last, the authorized body must adequately document the basis for its determination while making that determination, such as in the meeting minutes. This requirement is often overlooked. Documentation must include terms of the arrangement and the date it was approved, members of the body who were present during debate and those who voted on it, comparability data that was relied on and how it was obtained, and any actions by a member with a conflict of interest.
You must prepare the documentation before the later of the next meeting of the authorized body or 60 days after the body’s final vote on the compensation. The body also must approve the documentation within a reasonable time after preparation.

When is there a conflict of interest?

Conflicts of interest must be avoided during the compensation-setting process. A member of the authorized body charged with approving a compensation arrangement has a conflict of interest if he or she fits any of several criteria.
For example, a member can’t be a disqualified person participating in or economically benefiting from the compensation arrangement or a family member of any such disqualified person. Nor can a member be in an employment relationship subject to the direction or control of any disqualified person participating in or economically benefiting from the compensation arrangement. Consult with your CPA regarding all of the criteria.

Playing by the rules

Determining an executive’s compensation package can be tricky. It’s easy for subjective considerations to come into play. Consult your CPA advisor during the compensation-setting process to make sure that your nonprofit is playing by the rules. 

Understand unrelated business income and how to avoid excess amounts

Going over numbersLike other nonprofits, your organization probably has searched for new sources of revenue during the recession and economic slump. Hopefully, though, you haven’t run into problems accumulating too much unrelated business income (UBI). That kind of green can subject your nonprofit to taxes — and even threaten your tax-exempt status.
Here’s what to watch out for going forward on the UBI front.

The IRS defines UBI

According to the IRS, an activity generally is an unrelated business and its income, therefore, is subject to UBI tax if the activity is a trade or business carried on regularly, and not substantially related to furthering your nonprofit’s exempt purpose. Typically, all three factors must exist for the income to be considered UBI.

Certain product sales count

The types of activities that can generate UBI often are activities that you might consider fundraising. For example, the IRS counts as UBI the sale of products that are unrelated to your purpose. Examples might include sales from a park restaurant or a museum gift shop.
To determine if the revenue is UBI, the IRS suggests that you ask: 1) Are you regularly — that is, frequently and continually — selling the goods to make a profit? and 2) would a for-profit organization want to carry on this kind of activity?
If you answer “yes” to these questions, you’ll likely need to report the income from the activity as UBI.

Ad space revenue is UBI, too

Do you sell ad space in your organization’s journal, magazine or newsletter or on its website? Language that induces the reader to buy or use a product or service typically is considered advertising — for instance, a description of the product’s or service’s quality or a favorable comparison to a similar product or service. Income from that activity is considered UBI. On the other hand, a brief acknowledgment — listing, for instance, the supporter’s name and logo in a program — probably isn’t advertising, but rather is sponsorship and considered a donation.

Selling unrelated services also matters

Let’s say that an organization owns a parking lot and opens it regularly to the general public. The parking fee income collected from the lot is taxable. That’s because the activity — charging a fee for public parking — isn’t substantially related to the not-for-profit’s exempt purpose. But, if only members and visitors use the parking lot while participating in the organization’s activities, the parking fee income isn’t taxable.
Income from certain investments, from selling membership lists and from gaming activities (see below) also can produce UBI.

Exceptions to the rules exist

There are many exceptions to the rules — for instance, when your volunteers run the activity. According to the IRS, income from any trade or business where uncompensated volunteers perform a substantial amount of the work is exempt from UBI tax.
A transaction’s structure also can exclude the resulting income from taxation. While being paid to directly promote products compatible with your mission probably will result in UBI, receiving royalties for licensing others to use your name or logo to promote such products may avoid it.
Other situations in which your nonprofit’s income may be exempt from tax include the sale of merchandise that’s largely donated, such as in a book sale, or activities related to a convention, trade show or annual meeting. See IRS Publication 598, Tax on Unrelated Business Income of Exempt Organizations, for more exemptions.

Gaming is ticklish

The revenue from charitable gaming activities is usually considered UBI and is subject to tax — with the exception of traditional bingo. Newer forms of bingo generally don’t qualify for the tax exception, including scratch-off and pull-tab games. Also, to be eligible for the exception, the wagers must be placed, winners must be determined and prizes must be awarded while all players are present.

Report UBI carefully

All 501(c)(3) organizations should be aware of what is considered unrelated business income. UBI can be a good source of revenue as long as it doesn’t overshadow your nonprofit’s exempt activities. If you do bring in some revenue of this type, report it accurately. If your nonprofit is audited, it’s likely that the IRS will examine your records to see whether your recordkeeping mirrors reality. 

IRS substantiation rules apply to contributors

Gift SubstantiationYour donors are gearing up for tax-filing season soon. It’s not too late to make sure that your organization is following the IRS donation “substantiation rules” so that your benefactors have the proof they need to deduct financial gifts. Proper documentation is also crucial so that your donors don’t have any future problems with the IRS.

Legal precedents exist

Case law generally supports the IRS. In the court ruling Durden v. Commissioner, a church had received $25,171 in contributions from a married couple. The taxpayers had canceled checks documenting these 2007 donations, and the church sent them a written acknowledgment of receipt. But the acknowledgment didn’t note whether the taxpayers had received any goods or services in exchange for their contributions. The IRS requires such a statement, so it disallowed the taxpayers’ deduction.

The taxpayers then obtained a second receipt from their church, stating that they hadn’t received any goods or services in exchange for their donations. The second receipt was dated June 21, 2009, and the IRS rejected it for failing to meet the “contemporaneous” requirement, which requires the notification to be obtained at the time of the gift.

The taxpayers appealed the IRS decision. Concluding that the couple had “failed strictly or substantially to comply with the clear substantiation requirements of Section 170(f)(8),” the Tax Court upheld the IRS’s disallowance of the deduction.

What’s required by the IRS?

For donors’ charitable contributions to be eligible for deductions on their income tax returns, they must follow the IRS “substantiation rules.” These requirements vary with the nature and amount of the donation, but clearly state that, if a taxpayer fails to meet the substantiation and recordkeeping requirements, no deduction will be allowed.

For cash gifts of under $250, a canceled check or credit card receipt is generally sufficient substantiation. If, however, any goods or services were provided in exchange for a cash gift of $75 or more, the charity must provide a contemporaneous written acknowledgment that includes a description and good-faith estimate of the value of the goods or services.

For cash gifts of $250 or more, as well as noncash gifts of $500 up to $5,000, the rules generally also require a contemporaneous written acknowledgment from the charity, which must include these four elements: 1) the donor’s name, 2) the amount of cash or a description of the property contributed (separately itemized if one receipt is used to acknowledge two or more contributions), 3) a statement explaining whether the charity provided any goods or services in consideration, in whole or in part, for the gift, and 4) if goods or services were provided, a description and good-faith estimate of their value.

If the only benefit the donor received was an “intangible religious benefit,” this must be stated. Goods or services of “insubstantial value,” such as address labels or other small incentives in a fundraising campaign, don’t need to be taken into account.

The requirements for noncash donations valued over $500 include attaching a completed Form 8283 to the donor’s tax return and, if valued over $5,000, include obtaining a qualified appraisal of the donated property. Before you accept such donations, it may be wise to confirm with the donors that they are aware of the requirements and have obtained an appraisal, if necessary.

Quid pro quo

A donation at the end of the year might be your supporters’ holiday gift to your nonprofit. Make sure that you reciprocate by giving them credit and verifying that their donations are properly documented.

savingsIn December of 2014, Congress approved the Achieving a Better Life Experience (ABLE) Act that allows for tax-advantaged savings for persons with disabilities. Known as ABLE accounts, these new accounts allow earnings to grow tax-free and distributions to be tax-free for qualified disability expenses. Under the provisions of the new law the accounts cannot reduce certain Medicaid or supplemental security income (SSI). The accounts are designed to encourage savings to maintain health, independence and quality of life and secure funding that will supplement other benefits individuals with disabilities receive through Medicaid, SSI, or employment without disqualifying them from those benefits.
Who Qualifies?
Individuals eligible to establish an account include persons with physical or mental disabilities or blindness that have lasted more than 12 months but occurred prior to attaining the age of 26.
Who can contribute?
While the account beneficiary and owner must be the individual with disabilities anyone can contribute to the ABLE account subject to an aggregate limit of contributions from all contributors to the annual gift tax exclusion ($14,000 for 2015). An excise tax is imposed on excess contributions but only if the trustee doesn’t make the required corrective distribution within the tax year.
What uses are qualified uses for ABLE Distributions?

The beneficiary of the account can withdraw contributions and earnings at any time for qualified disability expenses. These include:

What limitations are placed on the ABLE accounts?
A qualified individual can hold one ABLE account. ABLE accounts can accept cash contributions only. Any non-cash contributions can be returned in a corrective distribution. The balance of the accounts is disregarded for most federal means-tested programs. However, SSI programs will consider amounts in excess of $100,000 as excess resources for purposes of SSI benefits.
How can I learn more about ABLE accounts?
The IRS has directed that within six months additional regulations and guidance is to be issued regarding the information needed to establish an ABLE account as well as additional clarification on the qualifications and qualified distributions from the accounts. In the interim please contact our office at (719) 630-1186 for more information on ABLE accounts or to see if an ABLE account is right for you.