If you are a business owner who collects and pays Sales Tax or you are a consumer or business owner paying Use Tax to the state on your purchases that did not include Colorado sales tax, we want you to be aware that the service fee is changing.
The service fee (also known as the Vendor’s Fee or discount fee) has been restored to a rate of 3.33% for returns filed timely on or after July 1, 2014.
The service fee will be effective for:
• State Sales Tax
• State Retailer’s Use Tax
• Aviation Sales Tax
• RTD/CD (Denver metro area)special district taxes
The service fee rates for state-collected local jurisdictions are not part of this change, however they may change periodically.
If you have received pre-printed sales tax forms from the State, the rate of .0222 (2.22%) should be changed to the new rate of .0333 (3.33%) for timely filed returns. The new forms for the July 2014 to December 2014 period will have the new service fee rate printed on the return.
Please contact us with any questions at (719) 630-1186.